

Gloucestershire Centre

Welcome to the website of the Gloucestershire Centre of the Morgan Sports Car Club. The current membership exceeds 100 individuals and is centred around Gloucestershire. We have one in thing in common, which is the love of the Morgan Sports Car.

We have a full programme of events for 2024; please view our events page.

If you require any further information, please contact our Centre Secretary, Events Co-Ordinator or Treasurer:

Centre Secretary – Martin Weller

email: wellersativy@hotmail.co.uk

Tel:  01993 822012

Events Co-ordinator – Martyn Harwood

email: martynharwood@gmail.com

Tel: 07788166531

Noggin Co-ordinator – Anne Berrisford


Tel: 07933 497630

Treasurer – Malcolm Wood

email: malc5645@gmail.com

Tel: 01902 753548